40 Illustrations That Show What Long-Term Relationships Are Really Like

31. Pandemic Dates

The pandemic has been hard on every relationship because we are all couped up inside, and it is easy to run out of things to do. When you finally get the chance to go outside and have time together out of the house, it is like the beginning of your relationship again. 

Pandemic Dates

Amanda Oleander

Enjoying nature and each other’s company is important when all we have done is sit inside for weeks on end. Although you have to get creative with your outdoor dates to keep them safe, it makes it more exciting to see what fun things you can come up with. 

32. At-Home Spa Nights

When you are pregnant, things start to get harder as you get further into your pregnancy. In the last few months, it’s difficult even to see your own feet! Simple things like getting off the couch, going to the bathroom, or falling asleep become tedious and challenging. 

At-Home Spa Nights

Amanda Oleander

At some point, you have to ask your husband for help because everything is too much work for you. While doing your nails isn’t a necessity, it’s always nice when your partner is willing to help you in any way they can. That’s when you know it is real love. 

33. “Tell Me When They’re Gone”

Finding the first grey hair can be heartbreaking for any woman because it makes us feel like we are getting old. Luckily, your partner will love you no matter what hair color you have, and he will be there to pluck or cut them, so you don’t have to see them for a while. 

"Tell Me When They're Gone"

Amanda Oleander

Finding grey hair is not the end of the world, but it can feel like that sometimes. However, with your partner by your side, you will be loved and supported through the entire traumatic experience, even if it seems silly to him. 

34. Exhausted But Happy

When you have a newborn at home, it can be kind of crazy. There are many feedings throughout the day, and the chores can pile up because you are both exhausted from waking up with the baby all night. The house might look like a disaster zone, but that is only normal for these changing times. 

Exhausted But Happy

Amanda Oleander

Finally, you get a chance to relax, and your husband kindly takes care of the crazy laundry that has piled up. That is when you know you picked a good one. Even though you are both on the brink of falling asleep, there are things to get done, and it’s nice to have a helping and supportive hand. 

35. “Who Chose This Movie?!”

When someone decides to put The Notebook, and you both ball your eyes out. There is nothing wrong with having a good cry to a sad love movie every now and then but be prepared for the waterworks to flow from you and your partner. 

"Who Chose This Movie?!"

Amanda Oleander

Even if it is a sad movie, at least you can curl up with your partner and hug them for comfort. It always helps to have someone to cuddle with them you feel sad. You can also comfort them when the tears start to flow. 

36. Oops, How Did That Get There?

When you cook for your loved one, and they find one of your hairs in their dish. “How did that get there?” You can play it off and say that your hair adds more flavor or that it is your secret ingredient, but they know by now that they will find hair no matter where they look. 

Oops, How Did That Get There?

Amanda Oleander

The person who has to eat it feels like they have to be nice or hide the fact that hair is in the food. At some point in the relationship, they will learn to love your hair all over the house. Hair won’t hurt anyone; it’s just not the original flavor you were going for. 

37. Wrap Me Up In Your Love

When you get out of the shower and realize you forgot to bring a towel. “Babe, can you bring me a towel?” It might be something so simple, but it’s nice to have someone there who can help you when you need it, even if that is just bringing you a towel when you forget one. 

Wrap Me Up In Your Love

Amanda Oleander

It’s also nice when your significant other saves the day and brings a warm towel to warm you up. It is like being wrapped in love because even the smallest acts don’t go unnoticed. Some people might throw the towel at you, and others will physically wrap you in it; both ways are just as loving. 

38. “Make A Wish”

When you find an eyelash on someone’s face, you have to put it on your finger for them to make a wish and blow it off. Don’t go doing this to strangers though, they will not be ok with you touching their faces, but it’s ok with your boyfriend or girlfriend. 

"Make A Wish"

Amanda Oleander

Sometimes you have nothing to wish for because everything seems perfect at that moment, and you don’t want anything to change. When you can’t think of anything better than being close to your partner, that is the best feeling in a relationship. 

39. Normalize Body Hair For Women

At the beginning of a relationship, you shave every time before you see your boyfriend. It’s like trying to be as smooth as a dolphin when that is not humanly possible. At a certain point in the relationship, you stop caring and decide to let your hair grow. 

Normalize Body Hair For Women

Amanda Oleander

Everyone needs to be reminded that women also have body hair, and it is only natural that it grows. Sometimes you forget to shave or don’t feel like it, and that’s ok. If a partner doesn’t accept that, then they need to learn that everyone has hair, not just boys. 

40. Boundaries? What Are Those?

When you have been with someone for more than a few years, there aren’t many boundaries. You get used to each other, and things that once felt embarrassing are normal between you and your significant other. That includes being in the bathroom at the same time no matter what you are doing. 

Boundaries? What Are Those?

Amanda Oleander

It may seem weird, but you care less because it feels natural and comfortable. In relationships, everyone should be able to feel at ease when their partner is around. When you get out of the phase of hiding things, it helps you realize that breaking some boundaries brings you closer. 

41. A Story Before Bed

Some couples do crosswords, and others read books to each other before bed. These little things bond you together in a cute way. Having someone read to you is so much better than reading yourself because it allows your mind to really imagine what is happening in the book. 

A Story Before Bed

Amanda Oleander

These intimate moments are ones that couples cherish forever because it is so easy to bond and enjoy each other’s company. Bedtime routines aren’t things that couples post about or share on social media, but they are the times that remind you why you are so in love. 

42. “Careful, Watch The Mask”

We all need a few minutes of self-care each day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t share a kiss before he heads out the door. You might be wearing a sheet mask and look like Hanibal Lecter, but he will still give you a peck as he runs to work. 

"Careful, Watch The Mask"

Amanda Oleander

It doesn’t matter what you look like at that moment; your partner still thinks you are the most beautiful person in the world. That’s also a way to know you have been together for a while because your partner is so unphased by the creams and masks you use. 

43. Amanda And Joey — Behind The Drawings

Amanda Oleander is the artist behind these drawings, and most of them are based on situations or feelings she has for her husband Joey. The couple got married last year, and they recently announced they are expecting their first child next year. 

Amanda And Joey — Behind The Drawings

Amanda Oleander

Amanda always thanks Joey for his love and support and the inspiration he provides for her work. They show the world the moments that people don’t post about in relationships, and it is so relatable for everyone. Go check out her page for more illustrations.